Monday, April 6, 2009

She beat breast cancer...

I was at a Charity Fashion Show in Support of
Breast Cancer Saturday night. It was to raise
money for a Breast Cancer survivor, Patricia, who
has to still pay the large amount of money that
it costs for treatment.

They raised a lot of money, which was great, but
the best thing for me during the night was
listening to her story and the life lessons she
taught us. I mean, her story had me on the verge
of tears for most of her talk. She is an amazing
person and everybody who organized the event
should be proud of the job they all did.

She's only 27, was diagnosed at 26. Her family
has no history at all of breast cancer. You can
imagine what kind of shock that is to find out
that you have breast cancer at such a young age.

She told the story of "that day". The day she was
diagnosed with breast cancer. She was supposed to
go on a date that night. She remembers wondering
what she should do. Probably for most people, the
decision would be to cancel the date.

She wanted to go, and she did. She said it was
the most important decision she made during her
treatment because at that moment she made the
DECISION to not let cancer beat her.

That was her critical point. It wasn't that her
decision made treatment any easier. It was
painful, she lost her hair and eyebrows. She had
to literally battle everyday. Most people just
aren't that strong. You can think of every
decision you've ever had to make, but it's really
nothing until your LIFE is on the line, isn't it?

We talk about the bumps in the road and we are
going to let them beat us or not. Bumps are there
to make us stronger and to teach us how to live a
better life.

"Spectacular achievement precedes only
unspectacular preparation"
- Robert Schuller

Patricia has accomplished a spectacular
achievement, she beat breast cancer.

And there was nothing spectacular about how she
had to accomplish that achievement.

There's a huge lesson here.

One, you need to DECIDE what you want or
accept as your reality.

Two, it's not always going to be fun going
after your big goals. It will suck and be frustrating
sometimes. That's just the way it is.

But it's necessary. You need those moments. They
test you.

They look you right in the face and
say, "how bad do you really want this?"

The answer to that question is ALWAYS yours.


Dan Grant
The Vitality Coach

PS - New recipe is available at the site...go here
to check it out.

1 comment:

Maria Walker said...

Hi Dan,
Just wanted to say you are inspiring and you've started me on a path that I've been trying to find my whole life I think. I've always thought, 'I will try to loose wieght, and get slimmer, but I'll never look like that, or achieve my dream body'. That's just not possible. But now, I can see it. Since coming to the boot camps, and reading your motivating blogs, and emails, and websites, I'm starting to see real results, like never before, in what feels like a short time. And that is a huge motivator. Just wanted to say thanks for your part in this.