Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is This Your Year?

Hi everyone,

I'm off to a funeral this afternoon, which is never fun, but one thing funerals do is let me reflect on my life and where it's at.

We all know that our life will end at some point and it's really up to us to make the most out of the life that we were given. When you think about it, we literally have FULL control over our life.

There's no laws telling you that you have to stay in crappy relationships that are holding you back.

Nobody is forcing processed food down your throat.

If somebody tells you that you're fat, it's really up to you to believe them or not.

If someone calls you a loser it's up to you whether to believe them or not too.

If your husband or wife doesn't want you to go after one of your dreams, there's still nothing really stopping you is there.

Think about it.

When your life is over, you either left having an impact on people's lives or you didn't.

When you die, you either had tons of fun with people that you truly love, or you didn't.

Is life really all about six-pack abs? Of course, not.

Is life about helping others and making the most out of what you have? I think so.

That's why I do what I do. Helping people get back into a life of health and vitality is an amazing thing.

It's why I stay up until 2:30am researching and brainstorming ways to help people succeed.

It's why I started a new business in 2009 (which you'll know more about soon)

It's why I'm never fully satisfied and always looking for more.

It's what keeps me motivated to stay and healthy as I possibly can (yes, you inspire me, as well)

It's why me and the love of my life have only seen each other a total of 5 weeks in the last 8 months (She's learning how to help people in the medical field in Virginia and I'm here in Edomonton doing what I have to do with the new business).

There's a lot more I can write out for you here, but I think you get the point.

Here's a fact that unfortunately people don't agree with. I believe we all have the right to be healthy, happy, and rich (It's the rich part where people always feel there stomach turn because we've been taught for hundreds of years that money is bad and struggling is honorable).

But money isn't my line of work, health and happiness are.

You deserve to be healthy and happy and I'm want to help you get there.

Like I said in the State of Gym Superstar video, this will be as transparent as it gets. I'm going to tell you my true feelings and what I think will help you or not.

But just me doing that won't help you at all really unless you are willing to take full responsibility and take consistant action in what I have to teach.


We are in the beginning of the greatest year of your life 2009.

How are you going to LIVE it?


Dan Grant

PS - If you missed any of the OPERATION: Burn Fat FAST! E-course it is now ready for download in full at

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