Saturday, November 15, 2008

Successful Fat Loss Needs a Clear Vision

I used to struggle with my business because of one simple fact.

I didn’t know where I was going.

I had a great passion to help people and of course I wanted to make a lot of money doing it, but I would constantly struggle to get my business to grow.

If you ask people about me, most of them might say I have ADHD, but I don’t.

My brain does work ‘overtime’ a lot, but it’s because I have so many ideas and I really analyze some things a lot more then needed.

Same with my old business. I would just analyze and put new ideas into it, but I never had an end goal in mind.

Probably like your fitness plan. Maybe you’re always adding new exercises and taking out old ones (which is fine), but maybe at the same time you aren’t really seeing the results you want.

The question really is, do you have an end goal in mind and do you have a specific date by when you want to reach that goal?

If you don’t, your chances of being successful are not very good.

Setting end goals in a specific time frame helps make all that ‘in-between’ work a little more urgent and gets your mind in a proper ‘let’s get this done’ frame.

You’re going to hear me say this, in a variety of different ways, over and over, but without the right attitude you are going to fail in the long term.

And stay away from “I want to look good at Amy’s wedding” stuff too. Why is it okay to be fat and then you all of a sudden need to look good for the wedding?

Because there are cameras?

You know the worst part about this whole ‘I need to change right now’ way of thinking?

It doesn’t help a lot of people become successful in the short term either. I’ve had plenty of people come to me so I can design them a program that can get them sexier in 4-8 weeks and they still can’t follow through because they don’t have the right mind frame and they are still going back to their old habits.

Having a clear vision and an end goal helps to change your old habits into new ones. That’s how long term success is made.

You are where you are now, whether you’re fat or just a little out of shape and want to firm up, because of the decisions you’ve made and the habits you do.

A clear, end goal can help change that.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

If you do then click on the comments area below.

Hope your having a great weekend.


Dan Grant

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